Monday, December 18, 2006

Remedies For The Common Cold

Gavin has a cold. He’s snotty and his right eye is runny. Poor Gav-Gav!

He’s too itty-bitty to blow his nose, so the mucous is building and plugging his nasal passages. If left untreated, this will wreak havoc on his breastfeeding abilities. What’s a mama to do?

To the Aromatherapy Cupboard!

The blend below does wonders and is safe for itty-bitty ones…

34 drops Eucalyptus radiata
34 drops Ravintsara
17 drops Tea tree
10 drops Lavender
3 drops Thyme linalol
2 drops Lemon

Steam Bath Method
Bring babe into the bathroom and allow it to fill to the brim with steam by turning on the shower full-hot.

Fill the sink with hot, steamy water to which you add one to two drops of the above blend. Don’t hold babe directly over steam, but do allow it to envelope him. ‘Bathe’ in this steam for 5 to 10 minutes.

*Of course, a regular steam bath minus the essential oils will do wonders as well. So if you’ve no essential oils available, just the steam bath will do. However, if essential oils are an option, the ones listed above are specifically chosen for their anit-infectious, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-, anti-, anti, etc. properties.

Chest and Back Massage
To 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil, massage cream, or like, mix 1 drop of the above blend.

Apply at each diaper changing (or as required) to chest and back.

Aromatherapy means there are options when Doctor isn’t available or when you can’t get to see Doctor ASAP.

Used with caution and consideration, aromatherapy can help you and yours along to a more speedy recovery.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Wecome To My World Of Aromatherapy!

Aromatherapy is different things to different people. But to the trained professional, aromatherapy is the holistic health practice of using essential oils therapeutically to better one’s mind, body, and spirit.

I love aromatherapy! I was educated at Mount Royal College in beautiful Calgary, Alberta, Canada and have the distinctions of certified aromatherapist and massage practitioner. I owned and operated Your Secret Garden, a company specializing in personalized aromatherapy blends and treatments for the individual for three years.

It was fun! But before I had two kids under the age of three! ;-)

This summer, while pregnant for my second child, I decided to 'close up shop' to focus my attention on my family. Ahhh! How noble! Yes...but now I find myself missing the world of aromatherapy terribly!

Therefore, to keep my passion alive, I decided to start a blog to spread the word about aromatherapy and therefore keep my feet firmly planted on aromatherapy soil.

I will be sharing my aromatherapy knowledge and expertise with you for the foreseeable future, so pull up a chair, steep a cuppa and enjoy!